It is .....
The discussion by the e-mail is quit difficult.
We often use e-mail for technical discussion to research.
It is difficult to tell a feeling by the sentences.
The following sentences are my personal opinions.
The participants in the mailinglist, whose age, experience, and the living
environment, etc. are various.
These differences are so big also about knowledge and techniques.
It only talks together about a common technology.
One important in order to participate in a mailinglist should carry out the
clear question to which a partner tends to reply.
The man with whom the reply to an ambiguous question turns into an
ambiguous reply in many cases and who does . reply of does not know the
environment where the questioner is placed etc.
It is a very natural thing.
The capability which selects useful information out of much replies is
required of a questioner.
A mailing list is the world of the adult who ripened where the above
judgment can be performed.
Probably many replies will be worried and it will be felt as a senior's
reproof, when the man is not endowed with judgment.
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